10 Ways I’ve Used The Window Object In JavaScript

pachu das
7 min readNov 11, 2020


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Are you familiar with the window object?

As a backend developer hacking together frontends, I copy/pasted functions containing the window object (without understanding it) more than I’d like to admit.

But as I push myself further into frontend development, it’s become useful to actually understand it.

In a nutshell, the window object,

  • Represents the current tab of a browser.
  • Includes the document and screen objects, which represent a site’s content and the shape of a device’s screen.
  • Contains global variables and functions.

Now rather than give a laundry list of window object properties, here are 10 ways I’ve actually used the window object.

1. Redirect to a new URL, open and close tabs

The location object on window can be used to jump URLs. This is done by simply reassigning it a new URL.

window.location.href = "https://www.google.com"

Often you’ll want to make this redirect conditional on clicking a button or other DOM element. In ReactJS, it can be done like this.


onClick={(e) => {
window.location.href = `${thing.url}`;

Sometimes we don’t want to lose the current page. This can be handled with the window.open() method which opens a URL in a new tab.


It’s also just as easy to close the current tab.


2. Implement infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling refers to appending additional items to the DOM, as a user reaches the bottom of existing items. Infinitely scrolling is commonly implemented in views which render search results.

There are libraries for this…

But while I avoid not-invented-here syndrome, there’s no need to add the cruft of a whole library if you can solve a problem in 10 lines of code.

High level, we can implement infinite scrolling using the following 3 properties on window.

// Distance you've scrolled from the top of a page
scrollHeight = window.document.documentElement.scrollTop// Current height of viewport
viewportHeight = window.innerHeight// Distance from top to bottom of a page
pageHeight = window.document.documentElement.scrollHeight

Given the above variables, we could write code which fires and loads more objects when the user has scrolled near the bottom of a page.

if (scrollHeight + viewportHeight + 50 > pageHeight){
// append more object

Hook this up to an event listener (we’ll get there in a minute) on the window, and you’ve just rolled your own infinite scrolling.

There is a little more work to make this compatible with all browsers.

3. Access and manipulate DOM elements

The ability to manipulate the DOM is what makes JavaScript so awesome. It’s what let’s us build dynamic frontends.

What you may not know is that the document object, which gives us access to the DOM, is a property on the window object.

So when you’re calling this.


You are actually calling this.


4. Access information related to the current URL

We already touched on using location to redirect, but it can do so much more.

When you call window.location in the console, several properties are returned.

These can be used to determine which page the current user is now viewing.

Often, it’s useful to call and parse the pathname so that we can conditionally fire logic when a user is on a specific page.

if ( window.location.pathname.includes("profile") ) {
// do something cool

5. Add event listeners on the window

Often we add event listeners to specific DOM elements.

But sometimes we want listeners directly on the window itself.

In our above infinite scrolling example, we want to check the current scroll state anytime a user is scrolling.

This is a case for adding an event listener on the window object. In React, you might wrap this in a useEffect hook, like so.

useEffect(() => {
return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', someFunction);
}, []

This will fire someFunction anytime a user scrolls.

6. Trigger logic after a set amount of time or at a set interval

Sometimes you want to fire logic a specific amount of time after an event has occurred. For this, use setTimeout.

You can try this in your browser console.

setTimeout(function(){ alert("Bonjour!"); }, 5000);

It will initiate a popup 5 seconds after running.

Now if you want to fire logic every 5 seconds, you can do the same thing with setInterval.

Don’t actually run this in your console as it’s going to be extremely annoying when an alert pops up every 5 seconds.

setInterval(function(){ alert("Bonjour"); }, 5000);

This is a simple case using alerts. But a more complex case could be making an ajax request to the backend, to log information anytime a user views a page for more than 10 seconds.

7. Prompt, confirm, and alert popups

These popups definitely need some styling before deploying them into production, but they do have their use cases.

prompt() can be used to ask the user for information and assign it to a variable.

var name = prompt("Who goes there?", "Your name...");

confirm() is often used to check with a user before deleting something.

var d = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete your account?");

And alert() is… well just an alert.

While it reeks of the web from the 90’s, there are times you’ll want a simple popup to communicate information to a user.

alert("Welcome to Hogwarts");

My only piece of advice is to please restyle these popups before using them!

8. Scrolling to a specific point on the page or by a specified number of pixels

There are times when you want to scroll a user to a specific point on a page. scrollTo() can achieve this.

window.scrollTo(0, 1000);

This scrolls a user to 1000 pixels down from the top of the page. The arguments are the x and y pixel coordinates to scroll to, respectively.

For scrolling by a specific number of pixels, rather than to a specific point, use the scrollBy() method.

window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight);

Again, the arguments are the number of pixels to scroll by horizontally and vertically.

9. The screen object

The screen object represents the currently viewable area.

Calling window.screen in the console will return the following.

Screen can be useful if you decide to render objects differently depending on the width or height of the screen. For example:

if (window.screen.height < 800) {
// render fewer elements

What is the difference between "window.innerWidth” and "screen.width”?

Great question.

window.innerWidth is the width of what is displayed in the browser, excluding bookmarks, the element inspector, etc.

screen.width is the width of the resolution of your device’s screen.

10. window.console.log

Where would we be without console.log to print variables and messages?

When you call this.


You are actually calling this.


console is also part of the window object!


This list contains most of the ways I’ve found the window object to be useful in my short JavaScript career.

It was fun digging into and understanding an object that I’ve been using but never took the time to play with.

I hope you found this as useful as writing it was to me.

Let us know in the comments if I missed any important or useful ways to use the window object.

As always, keep coding!



pachu das
pachu das

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